so I've been crying and feeling sorry for myself because i had words with a family member. she was not holding up her end on important matters that were holding me up creatively, professionally and financially so i went into a mope. and then she disrespected me on facebook. Me being me, I fully expected to be humiliated and curl up into a ball and put the covers over my head. well apparently I've got more gumption than I thought cus I got angry and cleaned everything I could get my hands on and then I went shopping, out to dinner and to the movies. Haha, I didn't think much on miss thing and her ugliness, I got on with living MY life. She has since called to show nothing is amiss on her end but there it all is on fb in black and white so theres no denying it. Ah well, whatever.
while i was gone i joined an international charm swap so here are the ones I entered plus a very wierd pic of Gypsy and oh, I was on diet too. I found a new asian market and bought sesame leaves and made wraps of a sort. They were good. I also made hats over the holidays, they came out really cute but as usual I overestimated my big head and made my hat too big. lol! I do it every time. the charms were fabric and found objects plus shrink plastic. yes I'm still doing the old pics first cus the printer/scanner i planned to buy this weekend sold out. sooo no new pics, sorry!! Love La
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