Saturday, January 1, 2011

And so it begins

Uh yeah so I'm participating in our family's version of Biggest Loser 2011 this year. Weighed in today at 192, haven't been that big in years. See what stress does to a body if you let it? This weeks challenge is 50 lunges, sit-ups, push-ups and rope skips. We weigh in again in 2 weeks with a 5lb loss as our goal. I made it to 50 sit-ups, 25 push-ups, 50 rope skips and 25 lunges each side. Not bad for a first day. I also have to finish my sketchbook for the sketchbook project and mailed off before the 15th. I started working on my zebra for Milliandes first Journal prompt of the month. AND I need to make a steampunk outfit before Saturdays Steampunk themed tea. yup that's my week in a nutshell, how're things going with you?