no sooner than i posted my feelings and misgivings about the series of unfortunate events happening to me, aha, a window opened. i love the universe, it rules, totally. so things are not only better they are awesome. somedays it is good to be a spiritual being having a human experience. so, i've got books to read, blogs to share and of course pics. where to start, well the books will be listed in what i'm reading now. all of them are good reads so far, except i feel button button could have had more innovative ideas instead of just alot of sewing buttons on store bought things. i love the button flowers so of course i will be making some.
okay what can i say, i love them, by linking to them i then found OMG this is delicious AND nutricious, but i simply must mention who started it all YAY. it is true one thing leads to another, and all these people led me right out of my miserability (YEA I KNOW) and back on track. thank you wonderful artists for being real and OPEN.
okay the pics are the last of the amulet trade, pretty green and lovely aborigine hottie (yum). blue bird goddess and oxford owl flew away and went to live with Mickey jo. and i made paperdolls from painted paper towel scraps. i was cutting out leaves for the green collage i'm working on and some of the scraps looked like dresses to me so. results.