Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Friday the 13th!

Well it's after midnight and technically its over but i hope everyone had a good one anyway. i usually do but today was blecch! I was really happy to get my face in a pillow at one point. Anywho, i have been very busy, i posted my first paperdolls into an album on my groups site. I downloaded my atc's on flickr and asked my atc group for feedback, they loved "b is for bird" which is my favorite and someone already wants to trade for "i spy", i knew she would leave home. any who its been a productive day. and i got the fairy shoes mailed off just fine. so other than me getting chased by a half naked stalker guy and forgetting to eat or drink anything before walking to do my errands, then coming home and nearly fainting from heat exertion, yeah it was a pretty good Friday the 13th. Our confinement will be even worse for the next 7 days, even more people are coming and these are the touchy feely chatty type. I need a vacation, so does my dog. these pics are of the packages i sent, oh and the ones i received. i forgot to say that yesterday my paper towel jewelry came. i am so happy, the blue one came from the UK, my future home. one day when i win the lottery i'm moving to the UK to write little childrens books like Beatrix Potter. lesigh

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