Wednesday, August 6, 2008

babs, emule, mushroom

my SIL has decided that taking babooshka out of his cage everyday and holding him will make him less evil. silly little man. anyway theres a pic of babs and one of emule the big lug and of course a mushroom in the front yard. again. my daughter ( who is far far away) hates when the mushrooms arrive, but i love them and am filled with glee at the sight of them. all the more cus it irritates the hell out of my daughter. so every year they arrive and every year i take a pic. don't look at the grass though, sil has not cut it yet. and my baby girls birthday hat that i sent to her. of course she was too cute to wear it but i got a kick out of making it for her. sometimes its fun to annoy the children. *:)

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