Sunday, March 7, 2010

This ain't goodbye

At 545 this morning, the center of my universe and the brightest star in my sky gently flickered and went out. I am adrift in a rudderless craft with no light to guide me. I think I'll hang here a while and reminisce about the days of hats, heels and bling. I love you Momma, this ain't goodbye.

1 comment:

George Wright said...

Ah, I am so so sorry for your pain and loss. I wanted to say THANK YOU for your zine from last December, which I have taken FOREVER to sit down and read and enjoy. I liked how you made it so much. Alma has posted all of our zines on her iheartzines website and it prompted me to write to everyone from whom I'd received work. I hope that you can find light in your heart soon over the loss of your mom. I am sure she is proud of you and would want you to live a whole and full and happy life. So go forth and make more art girl. And thanks again for the zine.

Rose in Point Roberts, WA