Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sharon, Wyanne and Zorana!

Can you tell I've been blog-hopping? One of the best parts of my week is when I can sit back and check out all the blogs of my fave artists. And I am so happy because Sharon Thomlinson of www.allnorahsart.blogspot.comhere is teaching a class in February! YAY!!! I'm so excited, I've always wanted her to teach one! Anywho, Wyanne at www.Wyanne.comhere is using a new technique using resin instead of wax and it's giving her paintings this hauntingly beautiful effect and of course she has videos! And finally Zorana of www.zoranaland.blogspot.comhere is now making videos also! OMG!! Is life good or what? love it, love it!!

I spent a great deal of today watching Louise L. Hays' "You can heal your life". At the end of the film there are these affirmations and I spent a great deal of time listening to them over and over while I worked. You see I felt connected to her because she started her life over at 60 and I am starting mine at 50. I really needed the encouragement today because for the past two days I have not been feeling well spiritually because someone I love and have always admired insists on seeing the glass not half empty but filthy and shattered into a million irreparable pieces. Not just his glass, everyones glass. And the other day when we were talking I was being upbeat and happy and he began to pull me down into his dark mood. It was then that I realized that he has been doing this for 50 years and I had been going along with it because I love him with my whole heart but I can't go there with him anymore. I am not going out like that so I told him I love him and I hung up the phone. But it was too late, a little of the darkness nested in my mind and I have been fighting it for two days. Today it broke off and fell away, Thank the Goddess cus I am trying to create here.

Anyway, this song has been humming along in my head today so here it is for you. Have a lovely weekend. Keep it light.


violette said...

I'm happy to hear that your mood has lightened a bit. It's difficult to stay positive when you are surrounded by negetivity! Bravo for you!
I also love Louise Hay's DVD....i think i need to listen to it some more this week! Thanks!
by the way - i love WYANNE"s paintings..........they are really juicy and gorgeous!
Love, Violette xo

labluegypsy said...

Yes I love Wyanne's work very much. I am so happy you found ur way here, Violette because I find ur work to be so inspirational. So glad I found your book and your website.

Wyanne Thompson said...

Thank you so much for your kind words. You made my day...I'm so glad you like my paintings. I love Louise Hay. I have read that book, but I think I need to check out the DVD. I's so much more of a visual learner. I'm glad you are filling your life with so much love and positive energy. You are a strong light.

I'm gonna be singing that song the rest of the day too!